

JRPass.com presents
Our new booking servicefor tourists visiting Japan

Find your perfect place to stay in Japan.

Over 2815 hotels and 1840 ryokans, covering all regions of the Cherry blossom country

Yasaka ShrineYasaka Shrine

Yasaka Shrine In Kyoto

The Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社 Yasaka-Jinja), commonly known as the Gion Shrine for organizing the Gion festival every year.
The Silver PavilionThe Silver Pavilion

The Silver Pavilion, Kyoto

The Silver Pavilion is one of Kyoto’s most beautiful and underrated temples, home to ancient buildings and stunning gardens.
The Golden PavilionThe Golden Pavilion

Kinkakuji, The Golden Pavilion Of Kyoto

The Golden Pavilion has been the postcard to send from Kyoto for more than a century. Find out why it’s that iconic, and how to get there.
Sumiyoshi Taisha ShrineSumiyoshi Taisha Shrine

Why You Should Visit The Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine Of Osaka

The ancient Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine of Osaka is one of the most important shrines around Osaka and setting for the Hatsumode festival.
Kiyomizu-dera templeKiyomizu-dera temple

Visit Kiyomizu Dera, Kyoto

Kiyomizu-Dera, Kyoto’s ‘pure water temple’, is a beautiful Buddhist temple and UNESCO World Heritage Site with a wooden stage famous for its amazing views.
Ise Grand ShrineIse Grand Shrine

Ise Grand Shrine: Everything You Need To Know About Japans Most Sacret Shinto Shrine

Japan’s most sacred Shinto shrine, Ise Grand Shrine, attracts millions of visitors and pilgrims each year and is considered the nation’s spiritual home.
Toji temple, KyotoToji temple, Kyoto

Why You Can’t Miss The Toji Temple In Kyoto

Toji Temple is a can’t-miss attraction in Kyoto, being an ancient temple on UNESCO’s world heritage list with the tallest wooden pagoda in Japan.
Fushimi Inari TaishaFushimi Inari Taisha

The Ultimate Guide To Kyoto’s Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine

Visiting Japan’s shrines and temples is the perfect way to connect with this beautiful country’s ancient culture and spiritual beliefs.
Visit YamaderaVisit Yamadera

Visit Yamadera, Go Off The Beaten Track In Tohoku

Yamadera, literally meaning mountain temple. Is a sacred temple complex high up in the Tohoku mountains, with breathtaking views.
Torii GatesTorii Gates

The Ultimate Torii Gate Tour Of Japan

Discover Japan’s spiritual heritage and visit truly beautiful locations by taking a tour of one of the country’s most famous and iconic symbols - Torii gates.  



JRPass.com presents
Our new booking servicefor tourists visiting Japan

Find your perfect place to stay in Japan.

Over 2815 hotels and 1840 ryokans, covering all regions of the Cherry blossom country



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