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Question about get my JR PASS in different city

vor 10 Tage
1 Antwort

I want to buy JR PASS Hokkaido, but I will arrive New Chitose airport after 7 p.m. which the counter of JR will be out of service. How can I get my JR PASS in the airport? I will transfer in Haneda airport in the afternoon. Can I get my pass in Haneda then use it after I arrived Hokkaido.


1261 posten
vor 8 Tage

Hi there,

You can buy the Hokkaido Pass on our site, and you will then receive an e-ticket from us that you will use to exchange the pass - you can choose when to do this but it can only be done in a station within the Hokkaido Pass area. These stations can be found on the map here.

Kind regards,


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