Ordina la tua JR Pass
  • Narita Airport to OsakaSidney

    Hi there, I am planning to travel to Osaka for a few days in Sept 2012. My flight will be arriv...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    96983 visualizzazioni
    oltre 8 anni
  • Child JR Pass, N'EX & Suicawrens

    Hi I am travelling to Tokyo with my 9year old daughter, we will also be visiting Kyoto and Osaka,...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    23587 visualizzazioni
    circa 13 anni
  • Sakura and Hayabusa lines valid?think4yerslf

    The Validity rules for the JR Pass are a little confusing regarding which Shinkansen trains are v...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    15723 visualizzazioni
    circa 13 anni
  • Shinagawa from Narita on the NEXsmhaun

    Can I get directly to the Shinagawa station on the NEX from Narita airport without transferring l...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    17475 visualizzazioni
    circa 13 anni
  • How to get from NEX line to Yamanate line or Marunouchi linesmhaun

    I plan to take the Narita Express from Narita airport to Tokyo station. I then want to get to th...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    18768 visualizzazioni
    circa 13 anni
  • Can I buy more than 1 Railpass?ajcg

    I am visiting Japan for a six week holiday. Is it possible to buy two 2 week passes to cover a to...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    25219 visualizzazioni
    circa 2 anni
  • What rail passes to getMolly

    Hi, We will be travelling to Japan in April, our general itinery is as follows: Arrive late on ...
    circa 13 anni fa
    9 risposte
    16832 visualizzazioni
    circa 5 anni
  • 8 Days Tokyo -> Sapporo -> Toyako -> Niseko -> Hakodate -> Tokyoexnavi

    Hi Mari, After a long plan is time for us to go Japan. Itinerary as follow Day 1: Depart From M...
    circa 13 anni fa
    9 risposte
    24346 visualizzazioni
    circa 5 anni
  • CHILDRENkeatboonlaw

    I intend to bring along my 2 children, aged 3 & 4 for this coming Japan trip. Do I required t...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    13000 visualizzazioni
    circa 13 anni
  • Need some advice for my first Japan Tripjonlinee

    Hi, I am planning a trip to Japan and have many questions and hopefully someone will be able to ...
    circa 13 anni fa
    3 risposte
    28044 visualizzazioni
    circa 5 anni
  • 11 day tripgarboci

    Hello, We are planing to arrive on the 31st of March and to leave on the 10th of April. Would it...
    circa 13 anni fa
    7 risposte
    18006 visualizzazioni
    circa 13 anni
  • 5 days in Japan.andres.yie

    First of all, congratulations for your web site, finding it is like finding an osais in a desert....
    circa 13 anni fa
    5 risposte
    18483 visualizzazioni
    circa 5 anni
  • Date of issueyoungil006

    Hi, I recieved two jrpasses in the mail today We are scheduled to use these tickets starting on f...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    18353 visualizzazioni
    circa 13 anni
  • Questions about trains and timetable informationrmanchon

    We have bought the jr pass for september 2012 and we would like you tell us the best way and the ...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    15590 visualizzazioni
    circa 5 anni
  • Using the ticket machine to get reserved seat ticketsjapan_newbie

    Can I reserve aisle seat(s) when getting ticket through the ticket machine myself ? Thanks!
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    18084 visualizzazioni
    circa 13 anni
  • Can i pre-book a journeyanthonyplanet

    I arrive at narita on the 22nd March. I want to be on the same train my friends are on the 23rd. ...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    14885 visualizzazioni
    circa 13 anni
  • Using the JR Pass within and between cities...Traveler33

    I am arriving to Narita Airport on April 1st. I will be spending the night in Tokyo and then head...
    circa 13 anni fa
    2 risposte
    13991 visualizzazioni
    circa 13 anni
  • Nairita to Disney (Maihama) directcolpam

    Hi, Is there a direct rail link between Narita (airport) and the Disney theme park e.g. Maihama, ...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    16965 visualizzazioni
    oltre 12 anni
  • Usage Japan Rail Pass 7 daysBee Kuan,Tan

    I will purchase one Japan Rail Pass 7 days, Can i use it to taken JR Western, JR Central, JR E...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    14008 visualizzazioni
    circa 13 anni
  • Osaka to Nagoya then to Mt.Fuji with JR Pass 7 Days.Bee Kuan,Tan

    I will reach Osaka,Kansai Airport on 16 March 2012, I will active the JR Pass 7 Days(Yen28,300 fo...
    circa 13 anni fa
    1 risposta
    27263 visualizzazioni
    oltre 9 anni

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