  • Buying JR Pass RachelMellings

    Can you buy the JR Pass at a station in Japan or do you have to order online? I am in Japan now ...
    6 天前
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    大约 12 小时
  • Which pass do I need (newbies!)conductor

    Hello and good day, Which pass, if any should we get? Here are our details: a) 2 adults b) Day...
    6 天前
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    大约 12 小时
  • Child’s PassMikeandwinsome

    My child is 11 years old now but will be 12 years old when we start traveling. Can I still buy t...
    6 天前
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    大约 12 小时
  • Kansai Hiroshima regional pass[email protected]

    Can I use this pass to travel on a direct train from Kyoto to Hiroshima For example the 07:41 To...
    8 天前
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    大约 12 小时
  • Itinerário Toro

    Bom dia, Gostaria de saber se o JR Pass cobre o itinerário de Tokushima a Osaka. Obrigada Anna
    9 天前
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    大约 13 小时
  • JR pass correct option glorilopez

    Hello I need help figuring out which pass to buy. I will be traveling for 15 days arriving on Apr...
    9 天前
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    大约 13 小时
  • TimetablesIsa

    I still do not have the pass, could I have access now to the real timetable of the system, and i...
    10 天前
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    大约 13 小时
  • Fukuoka to TokyoMCBARTON

    Hello! Is there a JR PASS from Fukuoka to Tokyo and return? Or is it cheaper to buy round trip ti...
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    2 天
  • Is a two-week JR Pass worth it for my trip?mlazyan

    Hi -- I'm hoping for some guidance about whether a two-week JR Pass is likely to be worth it for ...
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  • Traveling to Japan from April 18th to April 29thnavydrjay

    Hello! We are traveling with 2 boys ages 8 and 9 from April 18th to April 29th. Trying to figur...
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    3 天
  • Sanyo Shinkansen Discounted One Way TicketEileen L

    Hi, I read on the JR-West website that there is a Sanyo Shinkansen Discounted One Way Ticket that...
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  • Expiration date for pass?Maryggg

    Greetings, I`m planning my trip to japan in May 2025 and I want to buy a regional pass (kasai + H...
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  • what kind of JR pass should i buyJsutanto01

    I've a plan to arrived at Fukuoka, then go to Hiroshima and kobe, and the back to fukuoka... is i...
    12 天前
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    2 天
  • KyushuSwee

    I am planning to spend about 1 week in Kyushu and taking trains to Nagasaki for 2 days, Kumamoto ...
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  • Student pass 5 monthscsanders04

    Hello, my daughter will be doing a study abroad program from end of March thru the end of July. I...
    13 天前
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  • JR east south Hokkaido schedule SEM

    I have purchased the JR East South tickets from JR Pass and am trying to figure out the schedule ...
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  • Best pass for our itinerary?Kobishop

    Hello, We will be in Japan for 14 days, as follows: Day 1- arrive Haneda, travel to Kyoto Day 2 -...
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  • What would be my best Rail Pass OptionGregTurnbull

    Hi - We will be flying into Tokyo Haneda (28 April 2025) and Leaving Tokyo Haneda (15 May 2025) ...
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  • 7 or 14 day pass?[email protected]

    Does a 7-day pass imply that I have seven "consecutive" days to use it? For example, if there's...
    14 天前
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  • Reserve seats in Tokyo for Kansai-Hiroshima Area PassSuze

    Hi, I'm looking into buying a Kansai-Hiroshima Area Pass and will be using it during Golden Week...
    14 天前
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    3 天


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