Está pronto para explorar o Japão?

Obtenha informações através de mais de 18383 perguntas sobre o Japan Rail Pass ou faça perguntas aos nossos especialistas em viagens na Japan Rail

Encomende o seu JR Pass presents
Our new booking servicefor tourists visiting Japan

Find your perfect place to stay in Japan.

Over 2815 hotels and 1840 ryokans, covering all regions of the Cherry blossom country

JR Pass price changeJR Pass price change

Pricing And Perk Changes To The Japan Rail Pass

[UPDATED] Recently, Japan Rail Group has announced it will increase the price of the Japan Rail Pass from October 2023 along with a host of new additions. In this post to discuss what it will mean for you.
Best Indoor Activities in Japan Best Indoor Activities in Japan

Best Indoor Activities In Japan

What are the best activities to do in Japan when it’s either too hot or too wet to go outside? Find out in our top 10 indoor activities in Japan.
Guide to Sake Guide to Sake

Guide To Sake

If you want to learn more about the famous Japanese rice wine known as Sake before you arrive in Japan then you’ve come to the right place.
Kyōtei (boat racing) in JapanKyōtei (boat racing) in Japan

Kyōtei (Boat Racing) In Japan

Japan’s aquatic F1 - Kyōtei (boat racing) - is one of Japan’s lesser-known yet super exciting home-grown sports. Find out more in our guide.
The Art of BonsaiThe Art of Bonsai

The Art Of Bonsai

Learn more about the beautiful art of bonsai, which has become synonymous with the country of Japan, in our comprehensive guide.
A to Z of Japanese IngredientsA to Z of Japanese Ingredients

A To Z Of Japanese Ingredients

Japan is famous for its healthy, fresh, and delicious food and we’re here to help you learn all about the best Japanese ingredients before you visit.
Top 10 Outdoor Activities in JapanTop 10 Outdoor Activities in Japan

Top 10 Outdoor Activities In Japan

The beautiful country of Japan is the ideal place for those who love outdoor activities. From parks and forests, to mountains and beaches, Japan has it all.
Japan for Senior TravellersJapan for Senior Travellers

Japan For Senior Travellers

Japan is a great destination if you're getting a little older and want a slower paced holiday filled with fascinating, once-in-a-lifetime activities.
48 Hours in Osaka48 Hours in Osaka

48 Hours In Osaka

You arrive in bustling, vibrant Osaka - one of Japan’s biggest and best cities - with 48 hours to see as much as you can. What should you do? Find out here!
Coffee Culture in JapanCoffee Culture in Japan

Coffee Culture In Japan

Coffee is a serious business in Japan and one of the country’s favourite drinks, making it a perfect destination for anyone who loves great coffee.

Está pronto para explorar o Japão?

Obtenha informações através de mais de 18383 perguntas sobre o Japan Rail Pass ou faça perguntas aos nossos especialistas em viagens na Japan Rail

Encomende o seu JR Pass presents
Our new booking servicefor tourists visiting Japan

Find your perfect place to stay in Japan.

Over 2815 hotels and 1840 ryokans, covering all regions of the Cherry blossom country

Descubra onde comprar o Japan rail pass online.

Encomende agora o seu JR Pass!

Temos preços especiais para crianças e excelentes opções em primeira classe. Veja todos os bilhetes. Ou veja as nossas opções de Passes regionais