  • Great service, thank you!cchapman

    I just wanted to write a note of thanks to the jrpass team - is there somewhere to put testimonia...
    13 年多前
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    13 年多
  • 7 Day Passsherpa33

    Travelling to Japan in September with my wife and would appreciate if you could check this itiner...
    13 年多前
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    13 年多
  • confirm that 7-day JR pass is worth it?lis4here

    Hi all, Need help to confirm that a JR pass will be useful for the following itinerary: Day 1 ...
    13 年多前
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    13 年多
  • Green Car - do I have to reserve seatultraviolet1980

    Dear all, probably an easy question for experts... :.-) I will be using a Japan Rail Pass, Green...
    13 年多前
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    接近 9 年
  • Is there a way to make reservations before coming to Japan?ikkyu

    I remember a few years ago doing that for a friend coming to Japan: he was supposed to send a pho...
    13 年多前
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    接近 8 年
  • JR planning - Everything ok?bimj

    Hello I'm planning my trip to japan for this august, and I was wondering if the trains I've chose...
    13 年多前
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    13 年多
  • Oct 2011jruss

    I love the assistance you provide for itinerary checks! We're arriving in Tokyo on 15Oct and plan...
    13 年多前
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    13 年多
  • 7 or 14 day pass...Damien M

    Hi there, I'm after a bit of advice please. I'm off to Japan on the 31st July, landing on the 1...
    13 年多前
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    13 年多
  • Should I get one? + AdviceDWhelan

    Hello forum! I'm traveling to Japan from July 13 to August 2, and plan to go around the West of ...
    13 年多前
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    13 年多
  • How to Regiseter to JR-East ShinkansenEdmWee

    I want to register as a member so that I can make a reseveration for my trip. But cannot find the...
    13 年多前
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    大约 8 年
  • Ideas of places to visit?ElectricB

    Hello there, I'm flying into Haneda from New York on 7/16 returning on 8/1. I spent a week in To...
    13 年多前
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    4 年多
  • 16 day trip adviceEmily Tang

    hello, we are planning trip in Oct 16-Nov 2 arriving Haneda airport. Below is our itinerary &...
    13 年多前
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    13 年多
  • Help with Itinerary & JRPassplyang

    Hi, my husband and I will be heading to Tokyo for 9 days in late June. I have a rough itinerary ...
    接近 14 年前
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    4 年多
  • Changing from a work to temporary visa in Japanalthokkaido

    Hello, I am currently an English teacher in Japan and so have a work visa. I am finishing in Aug...
    接近 14 年前
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    4 年多
  • shinkansensbrenchley

    can someone please confirm that I DO NOT need to pay the seat reservation fee when using the Shin...
    接近 14 年前
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    大约 11 年
  • Narita Expresswunderpit

    The Narita Express has just updated to "Partial Service". There used to be a morning & aftern...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • 14 or 7 day pass? Itinerary Suggestions?Andy_114

    Hi guys, I am flying in from Australia with a friend.. I've currently got my trip all planned out...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • JR Pass Green confusionAsher

    To try and be brief, I am currently in Japan, and my family in the US is mailing me a JR Green Pa...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 10 年
  • Kumagaya travelclouhog

    We will be in Japan in 2 weeks and need to travel from Kumagaya area to Osaka and back. Is it mor...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • Narita Express running from 4th Aprilmari

    Just a quick update on JR travel from Narita to Central Tokyo. As the subject line suggests, the...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年


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