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Visiting Yokosuka

Il y a plus de 13 ans
1 réponse


We are visiting Yokosuka in December and are there for 16 days. Do you have a suggestion/itinerary for sights to see while there?


1950 poster
Il y a plus de 13 ans

Hi there,

Close by you have Kamakura, which is a highly recommended sea side town with lots of history. It's 20 mins from Yokosuka by train. You also have the rail connection hub of Yokohama 50 mins away with its famous skyline and leafy streets.

With Yokohama so close, you are well positioned next to the main rail arteries that connect Japan. Day trips up to Tokyo, and down to Hakone/Mt Fuji are all within reach, and if you don't mind stopovers, you'll find Kyoto and Kansai area very easy to get to once you hop on a bullet train at Yokohama.

What kind of things are you looking for out of your trip?

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