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Osaka to Yamaguchi with JR Pass

Il y a environ 13 ans
5 réponses

Can you use JR pass to get from Osaka or Kyoto to Yamaguchi? Thank you.

1950 poster
Il y a environ 13 ans

Hi there - which Yamaguchi do you mean (there are a few!)

If you mean the one near Hiroshima, or Nagoya then yes you can :)

You can look up train timetables and costs at the hyperdia travel planning website

Hope this helps!

5 poster
Il y a environ 13 ans

I am trying to get to Yamaguchi (yamaguchi). I can only find nozomi trains to go there.

1950 poster
Il y a environ 13 ans
5 poster
Il y a environ 13 ans

thank you, this helps!

5 poster
Il y a environ 13 ans

Hello, I have a voucher to exchange for rail pass. Does the rail pass become active the day I exchange? Or can I exchange a few days in advance? Also, can I exchange at Ube Shinkawa Station?

Thank you, Levi

1303 poster
Il y a presque 10 ans

You can choose the 1st day of use when you exchange your voucher for the actual pass. It doesn't have to be the day you go to the office and activate it. This lets you start using the pass from any JR station, urban or rural.

Yamaguchi has some very good places - mostly ignored by the tourist books and guides. But at least there are far less crowds to deal with. One of the very best is the Akiyoshi Limestone Cave, which is part of the Akiyoshidai Quasi-National Park, near Mine City. You can use the pass to take a JR bus from the JR Yamaguchi station. It is truly breath taking. Other good places to see in the area are Hagi Castle in Hagi City, along with its old preserved samurai district, and Mori clan temple grave sites. Shimonoseki has some great places to see as well.

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