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Trip to Kawaguchiko From Toyko

Il y a environ 13 ans
2 réponses

i puchase 7 days JR Pass .

i need to to know did JR Pass Cover from Shinjuku to Kawaguchiko ??

Thank you Very Much !!!

1950 poster
Il y a environ 13 ans

Hi there,


Here is a sample itinerary of your journey.

As you can see the JR Pass will get you as far as Otsuki, where you will need to change to a non-JR train for the final hop to Kawaguchiko. This non-JR hop will cost ¥1,110 each way.

You can look up other train times at the Hyperdia website.

Hope this helps!

2 poster
Il y a environ 13 ans

Hi, Mari,
Good Morning ! And thank for fast reply ....

and my kid is 5 year plus now , he 6 year birthday is @ 04 april 2012 ...
but we are going to osaka early January 2012 ... should i need buy the JR Pass for him ??
or ...... ???

Thank again !

1950 poster
Il y a environ 13 ans

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