Bestel uw JRPass
ongeveer 13 jaar geleden
2 antwoorden

Hi, wish to know which type of shinkansen / bus / subway company that cover by JR pass.I am planning to visit Japan next year for about 17days but wish to purchase the 14days pass only.

  1. Tokyo to Kyoto by HIKARI shinkansen, right?
  2. How about Kyoto to Osaka by which line ? Bus ? Subway that can use JR pass? ( day trip )
  3. Kyoto to Nara ? ( day trip )
  4. Kyoto to Nagoya ? ( day trip )
  5. Nagoya to Gifu ( Takayama, the Sanmachi Suji old town ) ? ( day trip )
  6. Tokyo to Hokkaido, Sapporo ? ( may spend 3 days there & which type of company for transportation is not cover by JR pass? )
  7. Tokyo / Shinjuku to Disneyland ?
    for question no. 2 to 7, prefer going by using shinkansen. If not by other faster way.

Sorry to trouble you here as I have read through the JR pass rules & regulations but still confuse about the bus / subway company that some is not cover by JR pass. Is Tokaido Shinkansen not cover by JR pass too ?

Thanks for the help.

1950 post
ongeveer 13 jaar geleden

Hi there,

Here are some answers for you:

Tokyo to Kyoto by HIKARI shinkansen, right?

Yes, that's correct

How about Kyoto to Osaka by which line ? Bus ? Subway that can use JR pass? ( day trip )

You can get to Kyoto from Osaka by JR train:

Kyoto to Nara ? ( day trip )

You can get between these two cities by JR train:

Kyoto to Nagoya ? ( day trip )

You can get between these two cities by JR bullet train:

Nagoya to Gifu ( Takayama, the Sanmachi Suji old town ) ? ( day trip )

You can get between these two cities by JR wideview train:

Tokyo to Hokkaido, Sapporo ? ( may spend 3 days there & which type of company for transportation is not cover by JR pass? )

You can get here by JR train - I recommend the hayabusa if you can reserve a seat:

Tokyo / Shinjuku to Disneyland ?

You can get most of the way there by JR train:

Sorry to trouble you here as I have read through the JR pass rules & regulations but still confuse about the bus / subway company that some is not cover by JR pass. Is Tokaido Shinkansen not cover by JR pass too ?

The main rule you have to be aware of with the JR Pass is that you cannot use the Nozomi classs bullet trains. All other bullet trains, trains & buses are available to holders of the rail pass. For some sleeper trains you may have to pay a room surcharge. The Tokaido shinkansen is covered by the JR Pass, excepting nozomi class trains.

You can plan your routes at the Hyperdia website. We have a blog post on how to best use Hyperdia for holders of the rail pass.

Hope this helps!

2 post
ongeveer 13 jaar geleden

Thank you very much. All the answer has clear my mind & solve my problem. thanks a million !!!

1950 post
ongeveer 13 jaar geleden

no problem! Have a great trip!

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