I traveling to tokyo soon. My boyfriend and i, we must stay in tokyo. If we want to use busses and trains in Tokyo. Jr pass is good for Tokyo only ?
I traveling to tokyo soon. My boyfriend and i, we must stay in tokyo. If we want to use busses and trains in Tokyo. Jr pass is good for Tokyo only ?
Hi there,
The JR Pass is a unlimited rail pass that is good for most JR (Japan Rail) bullet trains, trains and buses across Japan. You can learn more about it here.
Regarding Tokyo, the JR pass is good for all JR lines in Tokyo, although you will probably get more use from a prepaid Metro card as there are a significant number of non-JR lines in the city. You will also have to do a significant number of trips (over ¥28,300 of normal tickets to make a 7 day rail pass worthwhile) to make it cost effective - perhaps you are planning some day trips out of Tokyo?
Here are some links that may be useful:
Hope this helps!
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