在大阪站激活 JR Pass

在大阪站激活 JR Pass

There are two station in Osaka where the JRPass can be activated, Osaka station and Shin-Osaka station. Osaka station is part of the northern side of Osaka, this area is also called Umeda.

Looking to activate the JRPass at Shin-Osaka? Find out exactly how in the our Shin-Osaka Blog Post.
To avoid confusion, Shin-Osaka is where the Shinkansen, the hyper fast bullet trains, depart from to other cities such as Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima.

Osaka Station.

Osaka station has been completely rebuilt in 2011 and is now one of Japan’s most beautiful Railway stations. A very beautiful glass bridge spans the station, travelers can look down on all the arriving and departing trains.

Activation the JR-Pass.

Activation the JR-Pass at Osaka Station is straightforward process, first make your way to the 1st Floor. From here follow the signs to the Central Gate (JR-Lines), once you arrive at the Central Gate, turn around 180 degrees and the Central ticket office is right in front of you. There is a special desk for JR Pass users, located on the right side. Hand over your voucher and show your Passport to obtain the JRPass.

A complete map of Osaka station can be found at the Osaka City website

The Central ticket gate.


-The website from Osaka City Station is a great resource for additional station information, it lists: shops, restaurants and other useful information.
-The Tourist information is open from 8:00 to 20:00 and can assist tourists in English, Chinese and Korean.
-Traveling with kids? Osaka station is home to the Pokecenter and the Konami kids club!

Written by Daniel-San.

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