  • Tokyo to Osakawlwl2003

    Hi, What is the departure time of JR from Tokyo to Osaka Thanks,
    大約 11 年前
    2 回答
    大約 11 年
  • Checking times and whether this is do-ableWONG Liu Shueng

    1.I have spent a great deal of tie on getting direction on the journey I now wish to travel. I w...
    大約 11 年前
    3 回答
    大約 11 年
  • 26 days in Japan - which rail pass?hachikuro

    Hi there, I was wondering if someone could please advise which JR Pass would most suitable for t...
    大約 11 年前
    3 回答
    大約 11 年
  • Hiroshima - Kyushu, then - KanazawaWONG Liu Shueng

    I am wondering if this is possible. i do not mind just sitting on a train and watching the count...
    大約 11 年前
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    大約 11 年
  • Can JR Rail Pass be used to travel on ShinkansenJacelizmike1

    Daniel-san, Thank you for the suggestion. We like the idea of staying in Kyoto and Osaka. Can ...
    大約 11 年前
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    大約 11 年
  • JR Pass teresatchiu

    Hi, I will be arriving in Japan on 17/09/13 for a 19 days trip. Landing in Narita and departing ...
    大約 11 年前
    20 回答
    接近 8 年
  • mjbmjb

    Hi Daniel .A couple of questions for you. Does the JR Pass cover all six regional JR companys? Ca...
    大約 11 年前
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    大約 11 年
  • 10 Days in Japanaqxia

    I'm visiting Japan for 10 days I'm wondering if my plan would actually work Sep 13: Arrive at Na...
    大約 11 年前
    4 回答
    大約 11 年
  • October 2013 Travel Judyg5157

    Traveling to Japan on our own in October. We are planning to purchase a 7-day JR rail pass. Is ...
    大約 11 年前
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    大約 11 年
  • Kansai (KIX) - Mt Koyasan - Kyoto - Tokyo - Niigata - Tokyodomgarden

    Hi there, I have been trying to make sense of the Japan Rail system and work out what pass would...
    大約 11 年前
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    大約 11 年
  • JR Pass in Tokyo jtohme

    Hi, we are spending 21 days in Japan, and I am considering whether or not to buy JR pass for 14 d...
    大約 11 年前
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    大約 11 年
  • Cost of a Rail TicketJacelizmike1

    How much is the cost to purchase a individual Shinkansen JR Rail Ticket from Tokyo Station to Osa...
    大約 11 年前
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    大約 11 年
  • 8 Days in Japan: Traveling from Tokyo - Kyoto - Tokyodominictang

    Hi there, I was wondering if it is worth it to purchase the 7 days JR pass for my trip? Also, w...
    大約 11 年前
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    大約 11 年
  • Open to suggestions!!!!!ryan.danya

    Hello My wife and I are spending 3 weeks in Japan over Christmas and New Year (21 December - 10 ...
    大約 11 年前
    3 回答
    4 年多
  • Travel to Japan in Nov 2013gladqls

    Hi, My husband and I will be travelling to Japan in Nov 2013 and the following is our itinerary....
    大約 11 年前
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    大約 11 年
  • Narita airport to Shinjuku Stationtjem.ryan

    Is this route covered by a Japan Rail Pass?
    大約 11 年前
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    大約 11 年
  • Best Use in Nagoya, kyoto and OsakaHcanelas

    Hi. Im using my JR Pass thought Tokyo- Nagoya- Kyoto- Hiroshima- Osaka How can I have the best ...
    大約 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Does JR Pass save me money? AdamUK

    We are travelling across Japan but only for 4 days in first week of October as follows: 1. Osaka ...
    大約 11 年前
    1 回答
    7 年多
  • What JR Rail Pass do we purchase in Hawaii before coming to Japan.Jacelizmike1

    We want to travel from Tokyo to Hakaone/Mt. Fuji and then to Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe and then back to ...
    大約 11 年前
    5 回答
    6 年多
  • Tokyo - Kyoto - Koyasan - Osaka sheenadin

    My partner and I will be travelling to Japan for the first time this September. It'll be an 11 da...
    大約 11 年前
    2 回答
    大約 11 年


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